3 Steps to Conquering Your Fears

How to Underwhelm, Overcome and Trust Your Fears

Scotty Wilcox
7 min readApr 7, 2024

Fear in Life

Fear is something that we all experience. From the time we are born to the time we die we are constantly reminded of this dread. Sometimes this feeling can be good. Other times, it prevents us from fully unleashing our potential into the world. Even more times yet, and worst of all, this emotion, left unrestrained, allows others to come in and fill that gap with their own desires.

How many corporations do you know today that are harnessing our fears to rake in tons of profit? How many dictators and leaders of the past and present utilize the fear of the masses to perpetuate their own agendas? How many cult leaders have filled fearful minds with their insane ideologies and even persuaded them to take harmful action against themselves or others?

So, our fears are constantly being manipulated by anyone who can get their grimy hands on it. This means our fears are more valuable than all the money, gold, and silver of the world.

The opposite of fear is not bravery, but trust.

By understanding fear we can allow it to exist in our lives and no longer hold us back, but instead be an ally in our existence. The opposite of fear is trust and we have to learn how to trust ourselves just as much as we trust these outside forces who seem to have the answers in our unsettled states.

